Séminaires LEMMA

"Structural Change, Land Use and Urban Expansion"

Nicolas Coeurdacier, with Florian Oswald and Marc Teignier

Chercheurs invités

Welcome to LI Zhi
June, 2024

Professor LI Zhi is an associate professor at the Department of Public Finance, School of Economics and the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University. He obtained Ph.D in Economics from University of Washington (Seattle). He uses game theory and economic experiments to design and test novel economic mechanisms with applications in public economics and resource and environmental economics. Currently, he is focusing on the design of voluntary provision mechanisms for local and global public goods, environmental markets for carbon allowances and credits, and water markets. His research has been published in Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Environmental and Resource Economics, PLOS ONE, etc. He is an associate editor for Resource and Energy Economics, and a committee member of China Emissions Trading Association (CETA) in the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES). More


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