"Incentives and dynamic games"

13 & 14 décembre 2021
Lemma. Centre Desgoffe (4 rue Blaise Desgoffes)

Présentateurs: Doruk Cetemen (City, University of London), Johannes Hörner (Yale et TSE), Nicolas Klein (Université de Montréal), Raphaël Levy (HEC), Yiman Sun (TSE), Ignacio Monzon (Collegio Carlo Alberto), Pauli Murto (Aalto University), Chiara Margaria (Boston College), Harry Pei (Northwestern University), Nikhil Vellodi (PSE)

Organisatrices: Chantal Marlats et Lucie Ménager

Monday 13th

Chair: Nikos Pnevmatikos

14:00-15:00 : Yiman Sun (TSE), “Social Choice under Gradual Learning”

15:00-16:00 : Chiara Margaria (Boston University), "Exit Dilemma: The Role of Private Learning on Firm Survival"

Chair: Peter Vida

16:30-17:30 : Nikhil Vellodi (PSE): “Insider Imitation”

17:30-18:30 : Harry Pei (Northwestern University), "Repeated communication with private lying cost".

Tuesday 14th

Chair: Pierre Fleckinger

9:00 -10:00 : Raphaël Levy (HEC), "Stationary social learning in a changing environment”

Chair: Marie Laclau

10:30 -11:30 : Doruk Cetemen (City, University of London), "Collective progress: dynamics of exit waves."

11:30-12:30 : Nicolas Klein (Montreal university), “Strategic investment and learning with private information”

Chair: Catherine Bobtcheff

14:00-15:00 : Ignacio Monzon (Collegio Carlo Alberto), "Delegation with Endogenous States".

15:00-16:00 : Pauli Murto (Aalto University), “Gradual learning from incremental actions”

Chair: Tristan Tomala

16:30-17:30 : Johannes Hörner (Yale University and TSE), "Less informative report cards may be better"
