

M. Guille, A Skalli (2024), Les filles réussissent-elles mieux que les garçons leur première année d'études supérieures ? Education et Formation, à paraître.

K. Das, N. Klein (2023), Do Stronger Patents Lead to Faster Innovation? The Effect of Clustered Search. International Economic Review, 65.2, 915 - 954.



Sous la direction de Billot, A.Pawlowitsch, C. (2023), In honor of Robert Aumann, Revue économique, 2023/4 vol 74. Voir ici

L. Bastianello, V. Vergopoulos (2023), About subjective probability, Revue économique, 74.

M. Grabisch, B. Monnet, V. Vergopoulos (2023), Subjective expected utility through stochastic independance, Economic Theory, 76, 723-757.

T. Barnay, E. Duguet, J. Lanfranchi, C. Le Clainche (2023), The effects of prostate and testicular cancers on individual Labour labour Market outcomes: an evaluation from an administrative panel in France, Journal de gestion et d’économie de la santé(3), 233-252.

C. Garrouste, A. Juet, AL. Samson (2023), Direct and Crowding-out effects of a Hepatitis B vaccination campaign, Economics and Human Biology, 51, 101279.

E. Djemai, Y. Renard, AL. Samson (2023), Mothers and Fathers: education, co-residence and child health, Journal of Population Economics, 1-45.

C. Garrouste, A. Juet, AL. Samson (2023), Les effets directs et indirects des politiques vaccinales sur la santé : une revue de la littérature, Revue Française d’Economie, 38(1), 107-148.

J. De Sousa, A. Guillin, J. Lochard, and A. Silve (2023), Trust and Specialization in Complexity: Evidence from U.S. States, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 216, 332-353.

M.A Ben Halima, N. Greenan, J. Lanfranchi (2023), Getting sick for profit? The impact of cumulative ICT and management changes on long term sickness absence. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 212, 659-688.

N. Frémeaux (2023), The more, the better? Individual and joint interviewing in surveys, Annals of Economics and Statistics,149, 63-96.

N. Frémeaux, S. Jung, A. Lefranc (2023), Assortative mating and inequality in South Korea, Journal of Economic Inequality, 1-26.

N. Frémeaux & M. Leturcq (2023), Les formes légales de vie en couple et leurs conséquences sur le partage du patrimoine et des ressources entre conjoints en France, Recherches Familiales, 20(1), 115-133.

P. Grandi, J. Belin, E. Darriet, M. Guille (2023), SMEs, R &D financing, and credit shocks, Small Business Economics, 1-23.

P. Grandi, M. Guille (2023), Banks, deposit rigidity and negative rates, Journal of International Money and Finance, 133, 102810.

A. Grillo (2023), Political alienation and voter mobilization in elections. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 25(3), 515-531.

F. Facchini, M. Melki (2023), Economic Shocks and Democratic Consolidation: Historical Evidence from Electoral Volatility in France, Electoral Studies, 83, 102616.

V. Hiller, J. Wu, H. Zhang (2023), Marital Preferences and Stable Matching in Cultural Evolution, Journal of Economic Theory, 210, 10567, 210, 105671.



B. Monnet, V. Vergopoulos (2022), Subjective probability and stochastic independance, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 103, 102770.

F. Ceron, V. Vergopoulos (2022), Objective rationality and recursive multiple priors, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 102, 102761.

J. Lanfranchi, M. Narcy (2022), How do prosocial motivation and performance related pay interact in the workplace context? Evidence from the non-profit sector. Kyklos, 75(3), pp. 436-455.

N. Frémeaux, M. Leturcq (2022), Wealth accumulation and the gender wealth gap across couples' legal statuses and matrimonial property regimes in France, European Journal of Population, 38(4), 643-679.

M. A. Ben Halima, C. Ciriez, M. Koubi, A. Skalli (2022), L’effet de la réforme des retraites de 2010 sur l’absence maladie, Revue Française d'Économie, 37(1), 81-163.

M. Melki, A. Pickering (2022), Ideological Polarization and Government Debt, International Tax and Public Finance, 29(4), 811-833.

J. Abdou, N. Pnevmatikos, M. Scarsini et X. Venel (2022), Decomposition of games: Some strategic considerations, Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(1), 176-208.



F. Ceron, V. Vergopoulos (2021), On stochastic independence under ambiguity, Economic Theory, 71, 925-960.

C. Pawlowitsch (2021), Strategic manipulation in Bayesian Dialogues, Synthese, 199(3-4), 11279-11303.

M. Klien, M. Melki, A. Pickering (2021), Voter Turnout and Intergenerational Redistribution, Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(2), 603-626.

F. Facchini, M. Melki (2021), Egalitarianism and the Democratic Deconsolidation: Is democracy compatible with socialism?, Public Choice, 186(3-4), 447-465.

V. Hiller, N. Touré (2021), Endogenous Gender Power: The Two Facets of Empowerment, Journal of Development Economics, 149, 102596

P. Grandi, M. Guille, E. Darriet, J. Belin (2021), Does bank capital matter for corporate borrowers? Evidence from France, Revue Economique, 72(1), 5-41.

M. Choi, G. Rocheteau (2021), Money mining and price dynamics, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13(4), 246-294.

O. Bos, T. Truyts (2021), Auctions with signaling concerns, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 30(2), 420-448.

A. Billot, X. Qu (2021), Utilitarian aggregation with heterogeneous beliefs, American Economic Journal: Micro, 13(3), 112-123.

C. Corduneanu-Huci, M. Dorsch, P. Maarek (2021), The politics of experimentation: Political competition and randomized controlled trials, Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(1), 1-21.

M. Klien, M. Melki, A. Pickering (2021), Voter turnout and intergenerational redistribution, Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(2), 603-626.

F. Facchini, M. Melki (2021), Egalitarianism and the democratic deconsolidation: Is democracy compatible with socialism?, Public Choice, 186(3-4), 447-465.

C. Marlats (2021), Reputation effects in stochastic games with two long-lived players, Economic Theory, 71(1), 1-31.

D. Baril-Tremblay, C. Marlats, L. Ménager (2021), Self-isolation, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 93, 102483

C. Marlats, L. Ménager (2021), Strategic observation with exponential bandits, Journal of Economic Theory, 193, 105232

S. Gordon, C. Marlats, L. Ménager (2021), Observation delays and cycles, Games and Economic Behaviors, 130, pp. 276-298

E. Darriet, M. Guille, J-C. Vergnaud (2021), Financial literacy and numeracy, Handbook of Financial Literacy, 8, 96-109, B. Cude et G. Nicolini eds, Routledge Publishing.

M. Pivato, V. Vergopoulos (2021), Measure and integration on Boolean algebras of regular open subsets in a topological space, Real Analysis Exchange, 47, 25-62.



A. Billot, S. Mukerji, JM. Tallon, (2020), Market allocations under ambiguity : A survey, Revue Economique, 71(2), 267-282.

O. Bos (2020), Charitable asymmetric bidders, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 22(2), 320-337.

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S. Cavaco, P. Crifo, A. Guidoux (2020), Corporate social responsibility and governance: The role of executive compensation, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 59(2), 240-274.

E. Darriet, M. Guille, J-C. Vergnaud, M. Shimizu (2020), Money illusion, financial literacy and numeracy: Experimental evidence, Journal of Economic Psychology, 76, 102211.

N. Frémeaux, A. Lefranc (2020), Assortative mating and earnings inequality in France, Review of Income and Wealth, 66(4), 757-783.

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M. Dorsch, P. Maarek (2020), Economic downturns, inequality, and democratic improvements European, European Journal of Political Economy, 62, 101856.

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M. Choi, G. Rocheteau (2020), New monetarism in continuous time: Methods and applications, Economic Journal, 131(634), 658-696.

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M. Johnson, J. Belin, F. Dorandeu, M. Guille, (2020), Interdependent factors of demand-side rationale for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear medical countermeasures, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 14(6), 739-755.



S. Lotz, F. Vasselin (2019), A new Monetarist Model of Fiat and E-Money, Economic Inquiry, 57(1), 498-514.

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J. Cabessa, A.E.P. Villa (2019) A memory-based STDP rule for stable attractor dynamics in Boolean recurrent neural networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1-8.

J. Belin, M. Guille (2019), Innovation dynamics in defense industries, in Disruptive Innovation and Defence Innovation Ecosystem, 5, 1-30, P. Barbaroux ed.  Wiley.

N. Greenan, J. Lanfranchi, Y. L'Horty, M. Narcy, G. Pierne (2019), Do competitive examinations promote diversity in civil Service?, Public Administration Review, 79(3), 370-382.

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M. Melki, Andrew Pickering (2019), New evidence on the historical growth of government in Europe: The role of labor costs, European Journal of Political Economy, 59, 445-460.

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