Political Economy, Economic History, Public Finance, Applied Economics
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Egalitarianism and the Democratic Deconsolidation: Is Democracy Compatible with Socialism? Public Choice, Forthcoming (with F. Facchini).
New Evidence on the Historical Growth of Government in Europe: The Role of Labor Costs. European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 59, Sept. 2019, pp. 445-460 (with A. Pickering).
Media-Driven Polarization. Evidence from the US. Economic E-Journal, vol. 13, 2019-34, June 2019 (with P. Sekeris).
Labor Costs and the Size of Government. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics vol. 79 (2), April 2017, pp. 251–275 (with F. Facchini and A. Pickering).
Ideological Polarization and the Media. Economics Letters, vol. 125 (1), Oct. 2014, pp. 36-39 (with A. Pickering).
Political Ideology and Economic Growth: Evidence from the French Democracy. Economic Inquiry, vol. 52 (4) 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 1408–1426 (with F. Facchini).
Efficient Government Size: France in the 20th Century. European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 31, Sept. 2013, pp. 1–14 (with F. Facchini).
Choix publics. Analyse économique des décisions publiques. Edited by De Boeck, Dec. 2010 (with D. Mueller, F. Facchini, M. Foucault, A. François and R. Magni-Berton). French translation and adaptation of the book Public Choice III, 2009, by D.C. Mueller.
Working Papers
Polarization and Corruption in America. University of York working paper n° 16/09 (with A. Pickering). R&R in European Economic Review.
Voter Turnout and Intergenerational Redistribution (with M. Klien and A. Pickering). Under review
Ideological Polarization and Government Debt. University of York working paper n° 14/10 (with A. Pickering). Under review